Tag Archives: Indoor

RAW Training Feb 28 2016

Outside bike ride today. Very wet and muddy with the melting snow making quite a mess of my bike and myself. One hour and forty two minutes (1:41:59) including lots of waiting for pedestrians on the Canal Path to get out of the way – some were very clueless in spite of ringing my bell and saying “On your left!” several times. I wonder what they were thinking to not be aware of traffic. Went from Edgewood at the canal to east of Fairport.

RAW Training Feb 23 2016

Broke 700 kCal tonight again. Being sick appears to have done wonders 😛 . I just made it over the 700 mark at 60 minutes so it wasn’t as clean as Sunday, but I’m taking it. My brother says I should be happy it’s not 1000 kCal to which I responded that there wouldn’t be anything left of me after that. I think I’ll stick with being happy for 700+ for now. At any rate, mostly at setting 15 and higher for 63.75 minutes (ok, I confess to a few minutes at 14). Lots of climbing at settings 20 and 21 – teacher was in the mood for power and speed. I don’t see how people can spin at more than 65 RPM when standing. Too light a gear is not for me, I’ll hurt myself. Even at setting 19 I can get up to 70 RPM out of the saddle and could probably do more except that it feels unnatural and uncomfortable. <sigh> I expect I’ll figure it out someday. Maybe running has ruined me?

RAW Training Feb 22 2016

Today is 75 minutes of yoga which is good since I am feeling pretty stiff, comparatively. Looking over the RAW web site it turns out there are some qualifiers throughout the season. I’m thinking Wisconsin on August: 400 miles if I can get someone to follow in a car/van. I could do solo if I get permission, but it would suck if I had a mechanical problem and no one to call. If I can’t get someone, then I’m thinking 200 miles.

RAW Training Feb 21 2016

First day back from my cold! Still somewhat congested but nothing out of control. Full of energy after my 1.5 days of immobility. Workout was 60 minutes of spinning at setting 15 and 90 RPM interspaced with some standing, about 5 minutes at settings 20 and 21. Broke 700 calories according to the bike – so there’s another goal reached (was about 750 for the hour). I will see if I can move tomorrow.

RAW Training Feb 17 2016

Getting a cold  😐 . Boo, hiss. It’s been creeping up on me very slowly and has decided it’s going to stay. Put in a one hour workout on the spinning bike. Given all the leg rest I was in setting 15 and 16 for most of the hour with about 8 minutes at settings 20 and 21. yes, that’s right: setting 21 for that slow, uphill climb experience. Felt better afterwards than I had thought I would. Definitely needing more H2O with the cold.